It is very important to understand the reason for Hair-fall, Dandruff, Hair-thinning, hair breaking and so on is due to many reasons. To name a few, Hereditary, Stress, Food Intake, Environmental change, Hormonal dis-balance, Insomnia, Water Change, Chemical usage, and even continuous usage of wrong shampoo.
Mysticabymini® is made of more than 50-60 herbs. On application of of Mysticabymini® Hair oil, it slowly helps in proper sleep hence controlling many major factors, that increases hair-fall and stops growth.
Also, with usage of Mysticabymini® Hair Oil, we always recommend to stop using any chemicals like Henna or hair-colour that will continue to damage the hair. In addition to the usage of Chemical free (sodium sulphate and Paraben) Shampoo, Conditioner and Hair Serum.